Big Gay Sunday Kicks Off July 30, Featuring Comic Genius Michael Henry

Korey Wyatt, the Board President at AT Center LA, is a passionate advocate for the LGBTQ+ community and has played a significant role in promoting wellness and inclusivity. With a personal journey that has had its ups and downs, Wyatt's commitment to breaking down barriers and supporting the queer community shines through his work. Through initiatives like Big Gay Sunday (the first of which will return on July 30, and featuring comic genius Michael Henry) and partnerships with organizations like Pride = Health Alliance and Gay Wellness (led by Peter DeWitt), Wyatt aims to create spaces that celebrate pride while prioritizing wellness and healing.
The AT Center LA has a rich history, originating from the gay AA meetings in 1969, providing a refuge for queer individuals recovering from alcohol and substance abuse. Under Wyatt's leadership, the center has grown to become a vital resource for the community. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the center hosted over 1200 visitors weekly, offering a wide range of 12-step and Buddhist-inspired recovery meetings. By providing fellowship, support, and educational workshops, the AT Center LA contributes to the well-being and rehabilitation of its members.
Korey Wyatt's involvement with the AT Center LA began around 2015 when he started hosting Saturday Movie Matinees, bringing together members of the California Men's Gathering and AT regulars. Over the years, this engagement led him to take on a leadership role as the Board President. Wyatt's passion for creating safe spaces for the LGBTQ+ community and breaking down barriers has been instrumental in shaping the direction of the organization.
For Wyatt, the future is a driving force that keeps him motivated. With his own nonprofit focused on creating Stress-Free Zones for the queer community, Wyatt is passionate about making a tangible difference. Whether it is providing vaccine shots during the height of the Monkeypox epidemic or the upcoming re-launch of Big Gay Sunday, he strives to have a positive impact on the lives of LGBTQ+ individuals. Wyatt's commitment to breaking barriers and creating a stronger alliance within the community reflects his belief in the power of unity and the pursuit of exemplary health.

Like many queer people of color, his journey has had its share of highs and lows. From serving as a voting member of the South Pasadena School Board and creating inclusive spaces for high schoolers to facing the loss of his brother due to addiction, Wyatt understands the complexities of life. These experiences have shaped his perspective and reinforced the notion that no one is immune to the challenges that come their way. Wyatt's journey has fueled his dedication to supporting others on their path to wellness and recovery.
He understands the significance of personal wellness in his own life. He engages in activities like swimming, weight lifting, and maintaining a balanced diet. Additionally, nurturing friendships and investing energy in his work contributes to his overall well-being. Wyatt believes that true wellness is a deeply personal endeavor and strives to incorporate it into his daily life.
Big Gay Sunday, a series of events launched by Korey and the AT Center LA, offers a refreshing alternative to the traditional "corporate Pride" celebrations. Building on the success of previous iterations, the event aims to strengthen alliances within the LGBTQ+ community. Wyatt believes that Pride is intrinsically connected to wellness and exemplary health, and Big Gay Sunday embodies this vision. The event features diverse activities, including sound baths, restorative yoga, massage treatments, live coaching sessions, and more. With performing artists taking the stage, attendees can immerse themselves in a celebration that highlights the importance of wellness and unity.

While Wyatt has yet to decide on a specific destination for himself in the next 10 or 20 years, he has a clear vision for the AT Center LA. The organization's board has resolved to pivot towards wellness and inclusivity, revamping the old model to ensure survival. Wyatt's ultimate vision is to break down artificial barriers and find innovative ways to support transgender individuals who are currently under siege. He aims to create a future where the AT Center LA continues to integrate with the larger LGBTQ+ community, fostering unity and providing vital support.
Korey Wyatt's leadership as the Board President at AT Center LA has been instrumental in promoting wellness, inclusivity, and unity within the LGBTQ+ community. Through his initiatives and partnerships, he strives to break barriers, support recovery, and celebrate pride with a focus on exemplary health. Wyatt's dedication to making a positive impact exemplifies his commitment to the well-being of the community he serves.
To learn more about AT Center LA, visit For tickets and to help support Big Gay Sunday’s mission for bringing our community together, click here.